Gate of Heaven Cemetery is centrally located in a serene, spacious setting in the heart of Montgomery County, Maryland. Formed around the shape of a cross, Gate of Heaven features a variety of sections dedicated to the Holy Family, the Holy Innocents and the Saints, reminding families of a life with Christ beyond death.
The Choice Is Yours
The sacred ground of Gate of Heaven Cemetery offers many burial options. Memorials for below ground burials can be either traditional upright monuments or flush bronze memorials. At Gate of Heaven, the choice is yours. Beautiful Garden Mausoleums also provide the option of above ground entombment in wall crypts enhanced with facades of polished granite. Cremains may be entombed in a niche in the mausoleums or buried in the blessed ground of our cremation gardens.
Gate of Heaven Cemetery
13801 Georgia Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20906
Fax: 301-871-1306
General Manager: Matthew Stewart
Contact the Gate of Heaven Cemetery through CCAW
Monday through Saturday
8:00am to 4:00pm
Cemetery Grounds Visiting Hours
March 16 to November 2
7:30am to 7:00pm
November 3 to March 15
7:30am to 5:00pm
From the Capital Beltway, take exit 31A Georgia Avenue, north toward Wheaton. Follow Georgia Avenue, north 5.5 miles. Gate of Heaven is on the right.
Gate of Heaven Section Map